Sustainability Initiatives・External evaluation
Sustainability Policy
1. Harmony with the natural environment
We will pursue harmony with the natural environment through our business activities in real estate investment management by seeking to maintain and enhance biodiversity, as well as reduce the energy, greenhouse gas, water, waste and other environmental footprint of the properties under management.
2. Addressing climate change
We will aim to mitigate climate change by monitoring the impact of our business activities on climate change, and through adoption of renewable energy, promotion of energy efficiency and conservation, and other decarbonization initiatives at the properties under management. In addition, placing importance on also climate change adaptation, we will appropriately consider acute and chronic physical risks, such as floods and rising sea levels, and the risks of transitioning to a decarbonized society, and enhance the resilience of the properties under management.
3. Communication with stakeholders
We will aim for the realization of sustainable business activities and a sustainable society by building relationships of trust through two-way communication with not only tenants and suppliers including property management companies of the properties under management but also local communities and other relevant external parties and by possessing the capacity to cooperate with society.
4. Human resources development
Based on our thinking that shaping people into useful members of society is the ultimate contribution to society, we will proactively work on capacity development for executives and employees to further refine their personal and social skills. In addition, so that each and every individual can shine as a lead role, we will break out of our own shell, placing importance on diversity, health and well-being, and respecting the work-life balance of each individual in order to create an environment in which best performance can be delivered.
5. Strengthening compliance and the governance structure
We will conduct business activities with integrity to society in compliance with laws and business ethics as a real estate investment management business operator. In addition, we will work to further strengthen the governance structure in an effort to thoroughly prevent corruption and prevent conflicts of interest for the protection of the interests of investors.
6. Proactive information disclosure
Our company name comes from marimo, a species of green algae that can only live in clean water. Likewise, we will conduct business activities with transparency by making timely and appropriate disclosure of information on ESG, along with disclosing this policy to all stakeholders, and thereby strive to establish trust.
Established on December 26, 2023
External Evaluation
GRESB real estate evaluation
GRESB is an annual benchmarking assessment that measures ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) integration of real estate companies and funds and it is also the name of organization which runs the assessment. It was founded in 2009 by a group of major European pension funds which played leading roles in launching Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
The characteristic of the GRESB Assessment is that it evaluates sustainability efforts by real estate companies, REITs and funds, not of individual properties.
The Fund has participated in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment since 2024.